Dow’s new sustainability partnerships for plastic recycling
A mountain of Styrofoam / Some rights reserved by David Gilford The world produces mountains of new plastic every year. Much of it gets discarded after a single use. Very little gets recycled. Some...
View ArticleIs it possible to fix plastics recycling problems?
Plastic line, PET bunker, High Point, North Carolina. Someone else has already removed HDPE and sorted it by colored or uncolored. My photo The pandemic exposed problems in plastics recycling that...
View ArticlePlastic roads: environmental boon or menace?
Plastic road in India Asphalt accounts for the surface of more than 90% of American roads. Recently, and worldwide, some of that asphalt contains plastic. If adding waste plastic to asphalt pavement...
View ArticleThe plastic bag recycling process: why the system is broken
You can’t put plastic bags out to the curb for recycling. The plastic bag recycling process starts when you take your bags and other films to a store. You know that, of course. You probably also know...
View ArticleWhy you should be recycling scrap metal
v2osk via Unplash Contributed by Ellie Gabel While you might already recycle glass bottles and cardboard boxes, you may not consider scrap metal recycling. Even though taking it to a recycling...
View ArticleThe recycling process: how a materials recovery facility works
Overview of a materials recovery facility. Wikimedia Commons Once you haul your recyclables out to the curb, what happens to them? A lot of the recycling process depends on your municipality’s...
View ArticleAspirational recycling: what can’t be recycled
MRF tipping floor in Bowling Green, Ohio / my photo Americans recycle badly. We commit two equal and opposite mistakes: not recycling at all or putting the wrong things in our recycling. Trying to...
View ArticleHow to make compost at home: from garbage to garden
Compost pile in a plastic bin / Wikimedia Commons Do you garden? Then you need compost. You can either buy bags of it at a store or make compost at home, which saves both money and valuable landfill...
View ArticleWhat can we do with dead batteries?
Have you stopped to think that the calls to recycle more don’t mention battery recycling? You can’t just put dead batteries out with the bottles, cans, and wastepaper. I used to think it was illegal...
View ArticleDo you make these 7 common recycling mistakes?
Bales of recycled plastic ready for sale / Lisa Yarost via Flickr You want to be a conscientious recycler. Unfortunately, many people, maybe including you, find recycling rules complicated. After all,...
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